Relationship Coaching

1 + 1 = 3

Even though the math may be inaccurate, understanding the concept of this equation may help improve your relationships. You are ALWAYS in relationship with yourself, that’s (1) one, you are in a relationship with your intimate partner, that’s (2) two, and the relationship you create together is (3) three!

Safety is often ruptured in the third space… the relationship you create together. This relationship is filled with all of the baggage you both have accumulated, and without learning how to effectively understand and unpack each other’s baggage, you will continue to create disconnection and unhappiness.

Unfortunately, marriage, in particular, is one of the few licenses that require no exam and no renewal! This sadly contributes to the divorce rate, and the pain and conflict couples live in for years before seeking relationship coaching or therapy!




Relationship coaching will allow you to safely explore issues, and most importantly, you will gain EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL communication tools that you can put to use in between coaching sessions. You will gain a deeper understanding of your reactivity, your partners’ reactivity, and you will become equipped to resolve conflict effectively and more humanely.

Too often we think conflict is bad, and that it is an indicator that you are with the wrong person. This results in an avoidance of important conversations. In fact, in Imago therapy there is a concept “conflict is growth trying to happen”. This theory implies that conflict is inevitable and that it is an opportunity for your relationship to grow. Learning how to handle conflict appropriately is something I can and will teach you how to do!

Often unresolved conflicts lead to resentment, and perhaps your conflicts are about more than day-to-day events.

Are you wanting to move past and heal from infidelity?

Would you like to learn a more productive way to talk about hot topics like sex and money?

Do different views on parenting create conflict and resentment?

Relationship coaching restores safety to relationships that have been ruptured. I will teach you how to manage reactivity in a productive way which allows you and your spouse/partner to feel heard and understood.

You can recover from infidelity with new awareness, direction communication skills, and tremendous growth.

Safety can be the new foundation for tough topics to discuss unmet needs and intimacy, and new tools will be added to your communication tool box which will allow you to navigate all conflicts more effectively.

Connection is our true nature, and when there is a lack of understanding regarding what creates disconnection, most couples spend their time and energy blaming, defending, justifying, and criticizing. Does any of this sound familiar?

As a relationship coach who is also certified as an Imago therapist, I will help you get the love you want! You will learn how to engage in more conscious communication.

You will derail less often, be disconnected for less time, and when you do have conflict, you will have practical and effective TOOLS to utilize. There are endless growth gifts available to you and your spouse/partner when you do this work.

Many people believe a relationship is 50/50. I do not. We are all 100% accountable for what we do and don’t do in our relationships. This equation reduces blame and shame and increases accountability and connection.

You will experience a deeper level of connection, which ultimately allows for greater intimacy, safety, harmony, and the opportunity to truly listen to understand and speak to be understood.

It is courageous and difficult to step in to wanting to be happy instead of being right.

There are gold and growth in the challenges you are facing, and I will provide the safety, wisdom, passion, and expertise for you to create the relationship you deserve and desire.