Communication Tools: “Yes, And…”

Communication Tools: “Yes, And…”

One of the foundational theories of improv is the concept of “Yes, and…”. Learning this skill while on the stage with a comedy team promotes trust, support, presence, safety, and connection. Implementing the “Yes, and…” strategy increases energy between the people on the stage, thereby creating an effective formula for humor to flow.

What other relationships would improve by applying “Yes, and…”? ALL OF THEM! Yes, all of them.

Interpersonal communication in every realm is often thwarted when words such as “Yes, but…” or “No, I don’t agree” are used. “Yes, and…” conveys value to the person offering their idea or statement.

Leaders in business can encourage creativity and contribution from staff by saying “Yes, and…” to anything presented without immediately finding flaws or shutting the idea down.

Saying but often diminishes and discounts what is being said. “Yes, and…” acknowledges another person’s ideas or point of view.

“Yes, and…” promotes collaboration and inclusiveness.

“Yes, and…” enhances positivity in any relationship as it promotes a sense of being heard.

Here are some examples of applying “Yes, and…”:

Would you like to go to the mall Saturday? No, I really wanted to clean the garage.

TRY: That would be fine, and then I would like to clean the garage.

Could you review my ideas for the presentation? I would but I thought you wanted me to help you write them.

TRY: I will, and I may have some additional thoughts to share with you.

I appreciate that you took out the trash but I feel I always have to ask.

TRY: I appreciate that you took out the trash. It would be great if we could make a schedule.

Also, check out this quick video of Tina Fey giving examples of “Yes, and…”.

GROWTH GIFT: Awareness can be the first step towards creating change. Pay attention to your use of the words But and No. Replace them by saying “Yes, and…”. Your energy will change for the better and it will be easier with practice.